Here is a picture from All Hallows Eve. We got to dress up as saints. My favorite part of the night was visiting the sisters in the infirmary. It kind of reminded me of trick or treating. I was impressed by how many people recognized me as Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha. I was very excited to show Sr. Kateri my costume! She liked it. I then hung out with Marie, the novices, and the temporary professed sister in the green hut. A couple of the sisters decided to try to scare us. That was funny.
Last weekend, it was very warm! I helped clear our trails with some of the sisters, and it was nice to be out enjoying the weather. I also played frisbee. After spending a few days without sunshine, it was glorious.
Monday was a big day for our community- it was the 140th Anniversary! Wow, 140 years! It really shows the strength of the community. The novices held a cemetery service and a program about the history of the community. They did a fantastic job. I loved seeing the pictures of the sisters throughout the years.
This weekend is one of the discernment retreats. I do not envy the retreatants. It's not easy looking at hundreds of communities and wondering which one is the right one...or if this is even the right vocation. Yet somehow God lead me to the right community for me. Please pray for the twelve young women who are going be here soon. I am looking forward to meeting them!
I just went on a discernment retreat with the Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist this past weekend. I know how scary it is wondering what the future will bring but one thing I learned very clearly is that He not only loves me more then any one else EVER could but that He also knows me better then anyone else EVER could. Please let the women know that there is someone out here thinking about and praying for them. They will find it out when they need to find it out. It's all in His hands and in His time.
Totus tuus Maria!