
Saturday, December 15, 2012

My Heart is Now in Connecticut

This song is for all those affected by yesterday's tragedy:

Yesterday, December 14, 2012, was going to be a different kind of day. I had a lot of anticipation for it, since it was the last day of school before our Christmas break. I had minute-by-minute planned, as my students could see once they peered at the board for their schedule. I wanted it to be a fun day for them, and indeed it was.

By the time the school day started at 7:30 am Hawaii-time, 28 people would be killed in Connecticut, most of them being around the same age as my students. As for our class, the day began like any other. They swiftly entered in their math homework answers on their NEO 2 devices, we prayed the Morning Offering, said the Pledge of Allegiance, and then they took their spelling tests. Everyone was eager to get started on the day's events.

The first thing we did was make gingerbread houses. One of the families had donated kits for us so that we could enter a contest. The third graders did one while the fourth graders did another. The children had a great time, and the thing I feared did not happen: none of my children felt "left out" of the process. The only mishap was that the third grade's house collapsed beyond repair, but the children took it in stride.

Then we rehearsed our Nativity "Readers' Theatre," and the children gave a wonderful performance for Sister Janet's second graders, who now can't wait until they can do a play in third grade. It was cute, and my students showed their creativity, initiative, and ability to follow directions.

In the afternoon, after praying the 3rd Joyful Mystery: the Nativity, the children passed around papers with an outline picture of a gift on it. They were to write compliments for whomever's name was on the paper. I was grateful that we had spent time practicing how to pass the papers, because it went very smoothly. We then put the final "leaves" on our Jesse tree, ate our treats and passed around gifts.

My room parents were a big help for the day's activities. The children kept saying how much fun they were having, and it was great to watch them enjoy themselves. I went home, tired but happy.

Then I learned of the tragedy happening five thousand miles away, which ironically, didn't feel that far. I can't bear to think of that happening to my students, who feel like family. I love them all so much!

It is just so weird that the whole world seemed to stop in Newtown, CT, and things carried on like always over here, at least until someone turned on their computer or TV.

My heart and prayers are with those involved with the shooting. It is devastating.


Eternal Father, I offer you the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Your Dearly Beloved Son, Our Lord, Jesus Christ, in atonement for our sins and those of the whole world.

For the sake of His sorrowful Passion, have mercy on us and on the whole world.


  1. I was very moved by your posting. Your empathy as a teacher of little children carried home a message of real compassion.Thanks, Sister Monica.
