
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Simply Enjoying Summer

Four more days until our four new postulants arrive! Needless to say, the community prayerfully anticipates their arrival. They will be arriving the day after our monthly vocations day, when we pray the Franciscan Crown for vocations.

We are also enjoying having less humidity. Sister Isabelle and I have been on the tennis courts a few times now....we're improving! We now spend more time volleying, and less time running after stray balls. We don't play competitively...we don't care how many times the tennis ball bounces before we hit it, nor how far it is out of bounds....we'll still run after it.

During instructions, we have been learning about the history of our community by reading Refining His Silver by Sister Teresita Kittell, OSF and watching old "Founder's Day" programs. I am truly inspired by our saintly founders and foundresses. As learn more about the history of the community, I am even more glad I came here.

Other than that, things have been pretty low key before school starts. We've watched a couple movies, attempted kite flying a couple times (Brother Wind, please be more consistent so our kites stay in the air), and of course have been doing our charges. I finished Pope Benedict's encyclical, God is Love, and I highly recommend it. The end of it gets into some philosophy that could be difficult to understand by those without a background in it, but other than that, it is written very clearly.

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