
Sunday, September 6, 2009

Yay for Habits!

For the past several days, I have been attempting to wake up at 5am. For those of you who think that sounds crazy, add to that idea that I am a night person. Yet it sounds nice to have that time to have coffee, relax and do the hour of personal prayer. The way the professed sisters talk about it make sound so very glamorous. This morning was the closest I've come to that. At 5:30am, I sprang from my bed!

The motivation? Today was the first day that Marie and I got to wear our postulant habits! It felt like prom. We were showered with compliments at how nice we looked. With over 150 sisters in the motherhouse, that's a lot.

I spent a lot of time today studying philosophy and theology. Sr. Pat was very concerned about this and said that I need to enjoy the sabbath. So I played games instead of finishing another subject area. Classes start Tuesday....yes, we already have homework due. I was so spoiled at Aquinas College and didn't even know it. At least the classes are interesting.


  1. You do look great!!!

  2. The habits do look nice on you. The happy faces are what make you both look terrific!

  3. I totally agree with you about the coffee, relaxing and having an hour of prayer in the early morning. That has been my practice for over 30 years and I can't live without it. May you find joy in whatever practice you form giving the Lord an hour a day to enjoy your presence.

  4. Dearest Kara,
    I want to give you a hug! You might even inspire me to get up earlier than I already do in order to get to 7:30 AM daily Mass, and that is still difficult for me at times. Yet I recall the warmth of those early morning prayer times of past years. I remember looking forward to being fully in the presence of the Lord first thing in the morning. If the Lord helps me, I would like to try that time of day for prayer again.
    Bedtime comes earlier and earlier! I need my halo sleep.
    And I do like your "prom attire." :)
    Mom XO

  5. God Bless you and your time of discernment!

  6. "make it sound so glamorous" :o) i love this! keep up the good posts! aaaand check out my new blog. yes, blogspot and i are breaking up.
