
Thursday, September 17, 2009

Feast Day and Birthday

I have been very busy with the classes that I am taking, but I love each of them. Surprisingly, I am enjoying the philosophy class. Marie and I are learning a great deal about the libertarian-determinism debate, and we have decided that we are not pre-determined to be determinists. I am looking forward to the next topic in the class, which is about the existence of God vs. the absence of God.

Not surprisingly, I am loving taking an art class again. I had given up my art major to become an elementary school teacher. I am taking advanced ceramics, and it's wonderful. I am working on a candle stick in the shape of a rose.

Today has been an interesting day because it's my birthday. They certainly know how to make someone feel special here! I cannot believe all the things that people have done here already. I feel very touched.

It's also my first Franciscan Feast Day. Today is the feast of the Stigmata. St. Francis had a deep reverence for the Passion of Christ. He actually wanted to suffer and become a martyr. He prayed for this! God didn't grant his wish, but he gave him the gift of the stigmata, in which he had the wounds of Christ. He didn't want to attract attention to himself, so he tried to cover up his wounds but it was really hard to cover up. I had never heard of anyone who prayed for more suffering, but more power to him!


  1. Happy 25th Birthday, Kara!
    Mom XO

  2. Happy Birthday, Kara! A birthday on the feast of the stigmata... a very Franciscan blessing. I really enjoy your blog. It helps me to see things from another perspective.

  3. Kara, I'm so happy I could help you celebrate your birthday. How did you like all the renditions of singing "Happy Birthday?" It surely was a fun Craft Night with a lot of Franciscan joy and of course delicious refreshments. God bless you.
    Sister Rosangela

  4. Kara!
    I'm jealous that you get to take philosophy... you're going to need to teach me sometime!

    And happy belated birthday. I hope it was a good one.

